Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Childhood Stories

When I was little, my parents read me lots of stories. Mostly Dr. Seuss books. One of my favorite stories was Green eggs and Ham. I also liked The B Book. My dad would always make up stories to tell me. I was always the main character. They would be about evil witches coming to get me but I saved the day and lived happily ever after!

My favorite book now is the Harry Potter Series. I also like Fablehaven. I think that it is very important for kids to be read to when they are young. If they don't get read to they miss out on the wonderful family connections and stories teach kids. If you don't read to them they may not ever learn the important lessons taught by books.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Best Book

My favorite book is the Harry Potter series. It's about a boy who lives with his aunt and uncle. They aren't very nice to him, so he hates living with them. One day Harry finds out that he is a wizard. He gets to go to a wizarding school called Hogwarts. While he is there he learns many spells and enchantments and has tons of exciting adventures.

I love Harry Potter because it tells about a magical world inside our world. It would be so cool to be able go to a school to learn spells and enchantments. I also love the characters in the book. The wizards, witches and fairy tale creatures like unicorns and dragons just make the story great!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


If I had a superpower it would be to be able to do anything that animals could do. I would be able to have super strength like an ant, or have super eye sight like a hawk. Super hearing like a shark and fly like a bird, and so on. This would be my superpower because I love animals. It would be awesome to do all the cool things that animals do!

I would use my powers to help people. I would be the new spider man-batman combo! I could save the world and still be a normal person with my secret identity. With my new superpowers I would definitely be the good guy. To be the hero that always beats the bad guys! My powers would always be used for a good cause....well maybe just for fun sometimes! :)